Time Will Tell


It's something I often ask my clients:

"If you were to give me a copy of your credit card or bank statements, would I be able to guess what you most value in life?"

It's a way of understanding how aligned your spending is with who you really are and what you really want out of life.

A couple of years ago, I asked myself this same question but in relation to how I spend my time. If I was to give you a log of how I spent all my minutes, would you be able to guess what I valued most in life?

A couple of years ago, the answer would have been a resounding NO. At that time, I didn't value my time and energy. It was there for the taking. When my boss required me to work longer hours, I did. When a social invitation came in, I would say yes if I had a blank space in my diary because I didn't realise there was any other option. When a request for my time and energy came in from all kinds of places - work, family, friends, acquaintances, the kid's school - I said yes.

I was living everyone's values but mine.

And then I woke up. After seeing loved ones grieve the loss of their loved ones or receive a very confronting health diagnosis, I woke up.

You can always create more money. But time? That's limited for all of us. And none of us knows just how much time we'll get here on this exquisite earth of ours. Time is a non-renewable precious commodity and I am treating it as such. The way you spend your minutes is the way you spend your life. I have become very intentional with my time now (well, except for that mindless scrolling habit. That needs to go).

My mother and I no longer give each other birthday presents. We don't need more stuff. Instead, we take each other away for a precious weekend of time together twice a year. I know how lucky I am to be able to do this, especially during these covid times. And I don't take it for granted for one single minute.

If you were to give me a log of how you spend your time each day, would I be able to guess your values?


Simple Abundance


Spiritual & Wealthy