Money Fears

There’s a lot of fear around money right now.

If you tune into the news, it’s full of scary predictions around interest rates, inflation, energy prices.

But what has fear ever done for us? It puts us into a fight/flight/freeze response.

It’s a contracted energy that holds possibilities at bay.

It jacks up our nervous systems so that we feel edgy and grabby.

In other words, it doesn't do us, or anyone around us, any favours. And it certainly doesn’t attract or create money.

The truth is that there is no less money in the world today than there was yesterday.

It’s just circulating differently. Or not circulating at all.

People who are tapped into fear around money hold onto it very tightly, even if they have loads of it. It’s that contracted energy that makes us want to clamp down on everything. Hoard it. Stop the flow.

But the energy of money likes to flow.

The same hundred dollar note can pass through a thousand hands and bring each person their own kind of joy as it circulates. It’s a never ending flow that can feel fun, joyful, comforting, meaningful, change-making.

If you are tuned into fear around money right now, I invite you to take a deliciously deep breath in and out.

B r e a t h e , my beautiful friend.

Money is like our breath. It likes to flow in and out. It adds to our life force when it flows both in and out.

Keep tuning into your breath and tuning out of the news. Feel into the expansion and possibility.


Spirituality & Money


Shifting World