Body Wisdom


There are some things you can't THINK your way out of.

If, like me, your intelligence has been one of the main drivers of your so-called 'success' in life, you might have come to view your body as being just a vehicle to transport your brain around.

Even if you place a high value on health and take care of your body (apart from those times when you bury your head in the pantry and scoff chocolate biscuits when the kids aren't looking......or is that just me? ), we tend to see our body as purely a mechanical thing.

We balance input & output to maximise results. We eat & sleep in accordance with the numbers on the clock rather than listening to what our body is asking us for. We feel frustrated when pain or ill health gets in the way of our ability to keep going.

But what if our body held wisdom too? What if pain or ill health was our body's way of getting our attention in a brain-is-boss world?

This has been quite a theme emerging from conversations with my private clients & in our online Women's Circles in recent weeks.

Lately I have been experimenting with turning the volume dial down on my brain and turning the volume dial up on my body. For someone who has spent many years identifying as the smart kid who was terrible at sport, this does not come easily to me!

I have been:

  • tuning into the difference between hunger & thirst / boredom /uncomfortable emotion

  • tuning into the frequency & pace of nature and tuning out of technology

  • tuning into my energy level & whether this points more in the direction of lying on the couch with a good book, getting stuck into a juicy project or playing boisterously with the kids

  • noticing (with curiosity) my physical signs of excitement, joy, peace, anger, sadness, fear, frustration

  • decluttering my physical spaces to create a feeling of expansion & possibility

My body can feel that I am starting to trust her again. And my intuition feels like it has dialled right UP as a result.

Our brain is a super computer, yes. But our body holds incredible power and wisdom too. Imagine if we hooked them up to each other instead of buying into the story that they're disconnected?


True Freedom

